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Muiraquitã Tetrahedron - Instalations#1.png

Muiraquitã Bamboo

Circus/ Penformance/ Sound Installations

This project, led by Brazilian director Will Lopes, aims to develop an experimental circus production through four research lines: 1. Exploring theoretical and practical aspects of Experimental Circus aesthetics and language; 2. Construction of a circus apparatus called "Muiraquitã Bamboo"; 3. Exploring hybrid body movements combining acrobatic dance, Butoh, Kempô, performance with decolonization concepts; 4. Creating a sound installation and architectural auditory experience.

To achieve these goals, the artist conducted 12 interviews with artists from South America and Europe. These interviews sought to gauge the current landscape of experimental circus aesthetics and language on these continents. The interviews were documented on a YouTube channel, accessible to anyone interested in the topic: Click to open it

 Muiraquitã - Youtube Channel.png

For the performance creation, the project is based on the artistic aspect of the Brazilian system Integral Bambu, in which the proposing artist has 14 years of experience, creating shows and performances in the new circus scene.

Sharing the process of studies,

work and research.


Sa 23 Set 23 > 19 Uhr 2023

ImPulsTanz Studios - See Saal,

Am-Ostrom-Park 11, 1220

Wien, Austria

Duration: 45 Min
Free Entrance



As a central theme, the project uses the mythological figure of the Brazilian Amazonian frog called “Muiraquitã”, as a means of working on pressing issues such as the alarming deforestation of the rainforests, environmental preservation and the extinction of isolated tribes that have not yet had direct contact with the "white man". Having as its central theme the figure of Muiraquitã, a mythological amulet in the shape of a frog from the Tapajós indigenous people of the Brazilian Amazon, the bamboo kit to be created is inspired by this central character.

Muiraquitã Tetrahedron - Instalations#2.png

Amazon rainforest acoustic landscapes, attacks by weapons and machines in front of an
uncivilized body that flees in acrobatic movements between the trees will be some of the points addressed within the research. Electroacoustic experimental music will be one of the driving forces to be realized in a polyphonic sound installation plus a quadrophonic sound system with double subwoofer. It is intended to have a system of 10W micro speakers (10X) installed on stage where we could project polyphony of frogs, crickets and small animals from the natural Amazonian sound environment. The 4.2 sound system will be used to project the stronger sounds of winds, trees, rain, thunder, as well as the machines and movements of earthquakesand spatialized vibrations from one side to the other.

Muiraquitã Tetrahedron - Instalations#1.png

As an initial outcome of this endeavor, the project envisions a public presentation of a 45-minute performance, where Will Lopes will share the preliminary research results he has gathered during his first eight months of work.

Project, production, research, and performance by Will LopesWill Lopes
Music Colaboration: Christoph Punzmann

Sound design and Installation: Christian Tschinkel

Supported by "Arbeitsstipendien im Bereich Zeitgenössischer Zirkus 2023" from the  of  of the Austrian Federal Ministry for Art, Culture.

Performance: 45min

Meet The Team

Captura de Tela 2022-07-31 às 20.33.27.png

Will Lopes

Performance and Direction


Music Performance

Captura de Tela 2023-08-31 às 17.54.24.png

Acousmatique Composer

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© 2023 by Will Lopes.

Based in Vienna


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